If you care about the show at all, [and it's perfectly fine if you don't] who is your favorite character from MLP FIM?
The North Pole
Joined on 12/2/13
Posted by January3rd - February 21st, 2014
If you care about the show at all, [and it's perfectly fine if you don't] who is your favorite character from MLP FIM?
FLUTTERSHY!!!!!!!:D :D :D :D YAYZ because she is cute!:3
I couldn't choose between them; but if I had to choose, Twilight sparkle.
IDK but from what I've seen the Žemaitukas pony breed looks and sounds pretty cool.
Fluttershy all the way!
If i have to chosse welll i think...... dashie
Its a hard one but even if she isn't part of the main cast i do like Octavia for the way people potray her as elegant but not a snob.
All of them except for Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon and Berry Punch (I hate her for some reason...)
Applejack! Shes a well rounded, motivated, "takes no crap" character n i grew up around alot similar personalities to her in Ireland
Rainbow jack!
My personal favourites are Fluttershy, Derpy, Twilight, Octavia, and Applejack. But, all ponies are best ponies... except for Prince Blueblood and Diamond Tiara; they are the least pony of ponies.
Gilda the stone cold bitch
Pinkmena/Derpy, My family nicknamed me derpy, more or less because I'm slightly mental :3 and she's cute
My favorite would have to be Rarity
I am very enthusiastic about the high-society and I feel that I can relate well with the character.
Makes lotsa' sense! She's a very interesting, well developed character in my opinion.